Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Homemade and Do It Yourself Wheelchairs for Dogs, Cats or Other Pets
Building your personal do-it-yourself dog wheelchair
It’s never easy to see a beloved pet grow older, facing age-related issues like arthritis, or dealing with disability issues during their younger years that affect their mobility. Fortunately, adjustable dog wheelchairs can enhance your pet’s quality of life and can also be completely customized to your pet’s height, length and width. Be sure to check with your veterinarian for any specific issues about your pet that you should take into consideration. If you are considering building a do-it-yourself dog wheelchair, the following information will give you an idea of what is involved.
The benefits of building your own pet cart
The potential savings are one of the top benefits of building your dog wheelchair yourself. Another benefit is the fact that you’ll know exactly what to buy if you ever need to replace or repair a part.
Tools you’ll need before you begin
To build your own wheelchair for your dog, you’ll need access to tools that you probably already have, including a saw (to cut aluminum and PVC pipe), fixed or adjustable wrenches, a drill, a set of clamps, and/or a vise. You may also need an assortment of sewing materials, including straight pins, a pair of scissors, a sewing machine, and needle and thread.
Necessary Parts
Dog wheelchairs need to be lightweight, which is why, except for the wheels, they’re typically made of aluminum and PVC pipe. You can buy the wheels online with one of the best places being here. This site carries high quality, budget-friendly wheels in a variety of sizes. You should be able to buy most of the material you need for under $50 and save even more by using recycled materials if available. You’ll need to shop around, but you may be able to find some things like straps or harnesses at thrift or various other discount stores. Another benefit of building your own do-it-yourself dog wheelchair is that you can personalize it any way you like, with fabric, paint, stickers and more.
You’ll need to carefully measure your dog while he or she is standing up. If the dog’s rear legs are paralyzed, you’ll need to prop them up on something comfortable, or even better, have someone available to help you through the process. When measuring the rear area’s length, include the dog’s tail if it typically droops down; if not, measure the dog’s rear with their tail up. After that, stand up and look down on the dog, measuring the widest portion of the dog straight across.
By building your personal do-it-yourself dog wheelchair, you’ll be giving your pet a gift that will be life changing. Your best friend will be able to be up and around again, enjoying taking walks with you and in general, doing what dogs are supposed to do, including giving you unconditional love. It’s hard to think of a better way to show your pets the same love and respect than by helping them regain their mobility!