Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Paralyzed Dog Walks Again!
Callie overcame rear-end paralysis with the help of a Walkin' Wheels dog wheelchair. And then something even better happened!
Walkin' Wheels Were Key to Recovery!
Callie, a Pit Bull mix belonging to the Craig family, lost all mobility in her rear legs one night due to a herniated disk. After the first couple of months of trying pain and anti-inflammatory medications, her veterinarian recommended trying acupuncture. Weekly acupuncture treatments, coupled with daily use of the Walkin’ Wheels, were the keys to her recovery. Callie began to respond, and within a few months she regained her mobility and no longer needs her wheels. That’s what we call success! But the other indispensable key to Callie’s recovery was the love and devotion of her family!
“I am a believer that many dogs with some of the same issues as Callie can in fact be treated successfully with medication, therapy, and acupuncture. She is living proof that these treatments worked. I want others to know not to assume the worst. I would never have thought Callie would walk again until we started to see her in the cart! She actually began to move her back legs. For months they had zero feeling, and a pinch was not even noticed. Once she exercised daily in her wheelchair, her legs moved more and more. Then … she just stood up! I must have cried for two hours waiting for my husband to come home and see her walking.” ~ DiAnne Craig
Pets Helped Through Foundation
DiAnne Craig is so grateful for the success of the Walkin’ Wheels that she has set up a special fundraiser. The fundraiser is dedicated to helping the Handicapped Pets Foundation raise funds for Walkin’ Wheels for pets in need. As a proud Origami Owl Independent Designer (jewelry), DiAnne and has set up a special fundraising page here. She will donate 100% of her Origami Owl commissions for orders placed now through May 31, 2016, to the Handicapped Pets Foundation to assist other dogs in need of a wheelchair. Orders must be placed through that link! This fundraiser was closed on May 31, 2016, but a new one has begun -- see top of this page!
Video Shows Dog's Recovery!
In conclusion, watch this wonderful video of Callie's journey from paralysis to renewed health!
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