Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

7 Dog Families for 7 Ways to Be Inspired
Meet 7 inspiring dog families who show love at its finest! Some of these pet owners have just one dog, some have many. Some foster, some adopt. All have at least one disabled pet, and all strive to give their pets the best lives possible.
Walkin' Pets has created a Portraits of Compassion video series. This video series spotlights some of the very special people who care for special pets. It has been our privilege to get to get to know them and to film their inspiring stories.
Portraits of Compassion
1. Emily & Liberty
Emily, originally from Scotland, lives in Connecticut with her husband and a family of dogs and cats. Her pets are all elderly or disabled rescues or fosters who need a lot of care -- which Emily is more than ready to give!
2. Tracey & Her Pack
Tracey found her calling years ago when one of her German Shepherds got DM. She discovered that she was meant to help disabled pets. She lives in Vermont with anywhere from 7-9 dogs, most of them in dog wheelchairs.
3. Ruth, Beau, & Nani Pua
Ruth talks about how much fun she has with her animals! Beau and Nani Pua are her "wheelchair dogs," but she has many other rescued dogs and cats lucky enough to be in the family.
4. Adair & Her German Shorthaired Pointers
Adair has two rescued German Shorthaired Pointers, Whiskey and Rosie. When Whiskey showed signs of Achilles injuries, life changed, but Adair's love only grew stronger.
5. Courtney & Lucy
Courtney adopted Lucy from a rescue in Puerto Rico after seeing her face online. Lucy became the mascot for the Walkin' Wheels dog wheelchair years ago when a staff member spotted her taking a walk in a neighboring New Hampshire town.
6. Erica & Scooty
When Erica adopted Scooty from a rescue in Mexico, she did not anticipate that she would become a social media sensation! Yet she has. Scooty was voted the "Happiest Dog on the Planet" in a Solid Gold pet food company contest. Watch the video and see if you agree!
7. Catherine & Reilly
Catherine's life was saved by her medical alert dog, Reilly. Now she is providing the handsome Irish Setter with her love and compassion as he ages. Meet them in their home, along with Reilly's canine sibling, Gracie.
These portraits of compassion are but a glimpse into the lives of people who care very deeply for their pets, just like so many other pet owners who would do anything for their furry family members. May they serve to inspire you on days when you need to be reminded that there are people out there who are very compassionate. And may their pets remind you that it is so very worthwhile!