Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Disabled Rescue Dog Finds His Happy Ending
The Brown Dog Coalition contacted Walkin' Pets by about a disabled rescue dog. The dog, Bark, had just been brought up from Alabama. Paralyzed in his rear legs, he was in need of a dog wheelchair. Walkin' Pets Care Squad sprang to action by donating a Walkin' Wheels so that Bark would have an easier time getting adopted.
Turned out that although Bark's rear legs are paralyzed, which generally makes it a little tougher to find forever families, his incredibly adorable face proved to be irresistible!
He was snapped up by a forever family within days, just in time to meet the Walkin' Pets Care Squad and get outfitted with his Walkin' Wheels wheelchair.
Brown Dog Coalition
The Brown Dog Coalition is located in Massachusetts. This family-run rescue is dedicated to helping homeless animals get placed in permanent homes. Their stated mission is:
"To evaluate, transport, and re-home companion animals to approved rescues and adopters; assist homeless animals with their medical care, spay/neuter, and general welfare, and in general give dogs and cats a higher chance of being adopted into appropriate homes. To promote the adoption of homeless animals and encourage spay and neuter through education and life saving programs. "

Mother/daughter team Naomi and Annie Covino work together to find foster and forever homes for dogs and cats. They bring the animals up from shelters in the southern United States, where permanent homes are generally harder to find.
Initially, Naomi and Annie find foster homes for the animals they bring up north, as was the case for Bark. Then they spread the word about the foster dogs and cats through social media and other networks, in order to find adoptive families for the animals being fostered. As Annie says,
"We're a coalition because it takes a team effort and a lot of people to put all the pieces together in helping each animal."
Walkin' Pets Care Squad

The Walkin' Pets Care Squad was formed to help rescues in serving the harder to adopt pets, either by getting them the mobility devices they need and/or helping to spread the word about animals waiting to be adopted. To that end, they were happy to partner with the Brown Dog Coalition to help Bark, who had just arrived from Alabama and was placed in a foster home by them.
The Walkin' Pets Care Squad was excited to meet the disabled rescue dog and bring him a Walkin' Wheels dog wheelchair so that he could to start a new life with a forever family.
Bark, who was born with congenital hind limb paralysis, had already learned to overcompensate for his disability. Accordingly, he took very tentative steps in the dog wheelchair. With time, he will learn how to walk comfortably in an upright posture.

Kelly Todd Brewer and her daughter Emma Brewer had fallen in love with Bark the day before the Care Squad arrived. Joyfully, they decided to adopt him! They watched Bark take his first steps in the wheelchair and were advised on how to work with him in the cart when they got home.
Bark has since been renamed "Tucker" by his forever family. By all means, watch the video to meet all the people who came together to help this sweet puppy:
Disabled Rescue Dog Has Happy Ending
We look forward to getting updates about Tucker and watching him grow up to be a strong, active dog. He is already beloved, so we know he'll be fine! If only all rescue dogs were so fortunate to get adopted so quickly.
May the Brewer family serve as an inspiration for others who might be considering adopting disabled pets. And may the Brown Dog Coalition continue in their tremendous efforts to help those animals who are often left behind.
As Kelly said,
"A house is just a house. I think dogs and cats make it a home."
Post Script
Finally, here is a wonderful follow-up video of Tucker prancing down his street in his wheelchair: