Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

The Heart of Dixie: A Disabled Rescue Dog Ready to Come Home
Special needs pets are among the most challenging for shelters and rescue groups to adopt out. Often overlooked because of their age, disabilities, or extra care they require these pets are looking for a safe, happy environment. A place to call home and a family to love and call their own.
Dixie's Story
Three-year-old rescue dog, Dixie is ready to find her forever home. She may have had a rough start in life, but this loving and kind dog is ready for her happy ending.
A true survivor, Dixie is a fighter. Left disabled after being shot and abandoned in an Alabama ditch. Dixie lay injured and unable to move, fighting for her life for hours, before she was rescued and brought to safety.
Dixie Fights for Her Life
Dixie was in serious condition when she came to the Society of Humane Friends. She was treated for a severed spine by surgeons at UGA.
Her rescuers were told that Dixie was paralyzed with no chance of walking. Unable to control her bladder or bowel movements, she would need to be expressed at least four times per day. Her care takers were confident that she will regain function and mobility in her hind legs.
Born a fighter, Dixie didn’t give up either. She began swim therapy, acupuncture, and daily exercises in her Walkin’ Wheels to help her regain strength and muscle tone in her rear legs. Her foster mom is confident that Dixie will regain function and mobility in her hind legs. On her daily walks, there have been some signs of movement in her legs!
Now, on the road to recovery, and getting better every day, Dixie is ready for her new forever home. Dixie is looking for a special family that understands the extra time and patience she needs sometimes. Dixie promises to love you back triple fold and unconditionally.
Adopting Dixie
Ready to take Dixie home? For more information on Dixie visit her on facebook or through the Society of Humane Friends website.