Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Dog Sanctuary Helps Hard to Adopt Rescue Dogs
Elliot's Little Dog Haven (ELDH) in New Hampshire has a special mission. They help senior and special needs dogs who face euthanasia, and instead, find them permanent homes. Victoria Lee, founder of ELDH, was a recent guest on the "Happy, Healthy Pets" radio podcast.
Small Beginnings Reap Big Rewards
Victoria's inspiration for starting ELDH was Elliot - a little dog who opened Victoria's heart wide open. Elliot (pictured in the photo above) was a puppy mill victim. Fortunately, he was saved by a series of kind people who intervened.
Eventually, the Maltese-Japanese Chin teacup puppy was adopted by Victoria at 12 weeks old. Life became brighter for both of them from that day forward.
His Love Lives On

However, Elliot's physical life was not destined to be very long (just over three years). But the love and lessons that were shared between Victoria and Elliot live on.
ELDH, a 501C3 nonprofit, was borne of them. While ELDH rescue dogs currently live in a variety of homes as companion pets, the long range vision is to have a centralized location as well.
ELDH is a sanctuary that seeks out the hard to adopt dogs, like Elliot. Special needs and senior dogs fit squarely into that category.
A Match Made in Heaven
Victoria came up with the brilliant idea of matching senior dogs with senior citizens. A perfect solution! Local senior citizens who might not be able to afford a dog adopt ELDH rescue dogs.
ELDH pays for veterinary care and other expenses. Senior citizens are sometimes lonely, and may not have the energy to keep up with a puppy. But a senior dog, who loves naps, laps, and snuggles, can become the ideal pet for an elderly person.
End of Life Can Be Beautiful
Victoria spoke of how Elliot helped her to understand the end of life with greater wisdom.
"A good life leads to a good death," Victoria said.
She emphasizes that deep listening to a pet can help their humans understand when the dog is ready for the next transition. Meanwhile, the dogs rescued by ELDH and the network of people who adopt them give them great lives.
Recipe for a Life Well Lived
Victoria has great plans for saving more dogs with each passing year. It is truly a recipe for living a full, good life. From the ELDH website:
"We believe that inside every dog and human is a love for life, and at our sanctuary we will provide the space and care for that love to rise up and live on. For every dog deserves a place to call home, humans who love them and who will go to bat for them, and a chance to be their joyful, playful dog self. With Elliot’s spirit watching over us, Elliot’s Little Dog Haven goes forth to love and care for as many dogs in need as resources allow."
. . . and the world is a better place for it!