Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

How to Help Senior Dogs Stay Mobile
You've surely calculated over and over how long a specific breed of dog typically lives and multiplied your dog's age by seven, undoubtedly asking questions like, "Why do we get them for such a short time relative to our own life spans?" It's hard to love your fur baby so much and watch them get older and lose the skills they once had. Learning how to help senior dogs stay mobile will keep you and your dog living happier, longer lives.
Senior Pet Products to Promote Mobility
Your dog's joints aren't what they used to be. If they’re still experiencing mobility problems, consider senior pet supplies for support and relief of pain and pressure.
The struggle to stand up can be a real issue for senior dogs, especially if they've been laying down for a while. One option is to use rear lifting harness to give them a helping hand. A rear support harness is made so you can hold on to and lighten the weight on your dog's legs. With the added support, your dog can more easily lift themselves up and stabilize themselves. In addition to these support harnesses, Walkin' Pets supply dog wheelchairs, drag bags, and harnesses for spine support to promote regular activity.
Modify Their Walks
Keeping your senior dog active and moving can actually extend their lifespan. Not only does a dog's health improve the more they exercise, but so do their spirits. Pet parents need to understand that as their dog ages, their exercise requirements change too.
As your dog ages, mobility regresses. It's vital they still get exercise and walks to help with movement while also allowing for socialization. Modifying walks by shortening the amount of time and type of terrain. Allow your dog to take the lead on walks to let you know where his limits are. Additional adjustments may need to be made for senior dogs who are dealing with arthritis pain or mobility loss. Using a dog wheelchair can eliminate the weight placed on your dog's joints and make it easier for your senior dog to continue to enjoy their daily walk.
Healthy Diet and Weight Maintenance
Maintaining a healthy canine diet is essential for puppies—but it’s even more important when that same dog enters their golden years. A proper diet provides required nutrients needed to stay healthier longer. Additionally, it helps in sustaining an appropriate weight. As your dog becomes less active, you’ll want to make sure a suitable body weight is upheld. Added pounds will only put more pressure on sensitive joints and weaker muscles.
If you’re unsure about changes or adjustments that need to be made in your dog's diet, find your resources. An animal medical professional is always your best bet in getting exact dietary information. Together you may be able to build a health and diet plan to assist your dog in maintaining a decent weight and activity regimen, while also adding nutrients to promote things like eyesight health, nail strength, and more.
Utilize Assistive Accessories

Specific accessories designed for dogs will be tremendously helpful in keeping them mobile and comfortable. Implementing pet stairs, ladders, or risers can help your dog get onto beds, couches, and other raised surfaces with ease. However, attempting to jump on or off of these objects may be the cause of severe orthopedic injury.
You may often consider simply picking up your dog and placing them on beds or carrying him up and down stairs. Avoid this: it’s not safe. If you slip on a step for any reason, or you pull something in your back and fall or drop your dog, you’ll both be in worse shape. Sidestep even the possibility of additional strain on your dog's body by using the assistive accessories available to you and all pet owners.
Minimize Potential Risks
The installation of assistive equipment in your home is a significant step in minimalizing the risk of injury for your dog. Moreover, pay attention to any deterioration in senses and skills. As your dog's sight and balance may worsen, consider installing baby gates near dangerous areas such as landings, stairs, and steps.
You may also want to block off rooms that could be dangerous, especially if you’re unable to keep a close eye on your dog. The kitchen, utility areas, and other places in your home may require attention when inhabited. If your dog is less aware than he used to be, it's worth taking precautions to add protection. It's best to have your senior dog remain on your home's floor level with easy access to food, water, and the outdoors. Remove possible scenarios where they could strain themselves or become seriously injured.
Splurge on Bedding
With aching joints and added pressure, now is the time to splurge for that deluxe doggy bed. We know that increasing age comes with a decrease in comfort. Trying to find positions, cushions, and ways of resting our bodies can be difficult as joint health and body strength decline.
As your dog's level of energy lowers, you'll want to make sure they’re resting as easily and as comfortably as possible. Providing a cozy and supportive bed will help relieve pressure from aching joints. If you find your dog is laying down most of the time, reposition their body so they lay equally on both sides and can see their human family.
The Power of Touch for Senior Dogs

Touch has many benefits for your dog. Dogs are intuitive and attention-seeking. It's important that as they age, your level of attention towards them doesn't waver. Be conscious of your behavior with your senior dog. They still want as much love and acknowledgement as ever. Make sure you’re not ignoring them. In some cases, this can be challenging as you gain more concern and increased thoughts of losing them. Dole out your belly and ear rubs as usual, and let your dog know that you're available whenever needed.
You can also help your dog with sore muscles by gently massaging areas that seem to be bothering him. As much as humans like their sore muscles rubbed, our four-legged friends do too. Taking care of troubling areas will help them feel better sooner, since massages stimulate blood circulation and ease muscle tenseness.
There are many products and practices that help aging dogs live more contentedly, and for longer. Knowing how to help senior dogs stay mobile will give you the most practical amount of time with them. It's never easy watching someone you love grow old. Understanding what you can do to make transitions throughout the maturing process easier will benefit you and your dog. Familiarize yourself with support technology for canines to take the pressure off their ailing body parts and off your worrying mind.