Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Meet the 2022 Calendar Contest Winners
Each of the winning dogs (and cow!) featured in this year's Miracles in Motion Calendar are unique and incredible in their own way. All of our winning pets show incredible strength and resilience, teaching us how incredible special needs pet's truly are! Let's learn a little more about our 2022 calendar winners!
Cover Dog Canelo is Searching for His Forever Home
Canelo is a 2-year-old Chihuahua mix who was brought to the Montgomery County animal shelter last year with severe injuries to his hind legs. His back legs dragged behind him, unable to bear any weight on his back legs. Canelo was eventually brought to the Who Rescued Who animal rescue in Texas, where his foster mom worked hard to help him adjust to his new life on wheels! Now he can stand and take a few wobble steps on his own!
Still hoping to find his forever home, Canelo has a big personality and absolutely loves life! Canelo’s foster mom says that “Canelo loves zipping around in his Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair and he’s super-fast in his wheels!” WRW said their goal is to help Canelo reach his fullest potential and find him a loving home.

Angel the Cow from Iowa Farm Sanctuary
Angel, the mini zebu cow, isn’t like other cows – since she lives in the house she has learned to beg for food alongside the dogs! Born without the use of her back legs, Angel was rescued by the Iowa Farm Sanctuary, and her family says she’s the undisputed queen of the sanctuary.
Unable to move or flex her back legs on her own, Angel’s mobility was severely limited, unable to get up and walk around on her own her rescuers never gave up on her. Shawn Camp, Co-Founder and Executive Director for IFS says that “Angels' wheels give her freedom! Before Angel came into our care, she had NEVER walked: her Walkin’ Wheels changed all of that! Now she can do "normal" cow things, like graze while standing and headbutting other critters. When Angel is in her cart, she is able to choose where she wants to eat, who she wants to hang out with and has the confidence of our 1500 cows. Her wheels transformed her!”
Benny from Tucker Farm in Georgia
Benny was born with a severe spinal deformity that has left him paralyzed from the shoulders back. He was surrendered to a rescue at 2 weeks old to Bosley's Place, a Georgia-based animal rescue that takes in the hardest to adopt pups. He's currently living his best life at The Tucker Farm, and he loves being with his new family, Benny loves to play with his foster sibling and always has a smile on his face!
His mom says, “Benjamin loves his wheelchair and wheelchair time is priceless to him! For now, we are doing short periods of time in his wheels as we work to build up his strength, but Benny would stay in his Walkin’ Wheels all day if we let him! I love his independence with his wheels. We are outside often here so the way he’s able to move freely and get what he needs is life changing for all of us. Benny doesn’t seem to spend time feeling sorry for his handicap but delights in what he has.”
Chalky the Frenchie from Hong Kong
Chalky the French Bulldog is a happy, playful dog who loves to play with his toys. A year ago, Chalky was diagnosed with a brain tumor that caused seizures and the loss of his back legs. With the seizures under control, Chalky’s family was heartbroken to watch him crawl across the floor and unable to play with his toys, but all that changed when he got his Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair.
Chalky’s mom, Noel Ho says “the wheels have improved his mobility to the point where Chalky doesn't seem to notice at all that he has a disability and can actually walk by our side the way he did before his illness. I would be lying if I said it has been easy, but I can say it has been fulfilling. We have gotten to know and understand him better than we had before his illness. His dog wheelchair has given us more time to spend with Chalky. Even though he is only one part of our lives, we are his all. When we see the affection and determination in his face to live a full and happy life it gives us all the encouragement and motivation we need. Chalky has made us better people, more patient, understanding and considerate.”
Danny from UK-Based Miracle's Mission Rescue
When Danny was only a few months old, he was hit by a car in Romania. Luckily, he was rescued from the side of the road and taken to a veterinarian where he recovered for two months. Needing specialist treatment, Danny was brought to the UK-based Miracle's Mission rescue to receive further care and eventually found his forever home with Miracle’s Mission founder, Victoria who fell in love at first sight. Victoria says that Danny is “the most energetic and excitable puppy ever! Literally nothing holds him back. Danny absolutely adores his wheels. He is so full of energy and so fast that these allow him to race around like a normal puppy.”
Victoria is hoping that Danny will inspire others to adopt special needs dogs. “Special needs pets are the best pets you could ever hope for. The love and care that they give back to you is indescribable. They know that they need that little bit of extra care and that you give it to them and the bond that they form with you is so strong, it is truly a beautiful feeling. They don't want you to feel sorry for them and stop them from doing things, they just want to join in with everyone else as to them they don't see themselves as being any different.”
Kardi from Lubbock, Texas
Kardi is no stranger to the Walkin’ Pet Calendar contest, she’s a five-time calendar girl! She has never let her fame go to her head, her mom Kelsey Rowden says that “Kardi is an absolute sweetheart and loves everyone no matter their age.” Now 11 years old, Kardi is a retired therapy dog who used to visit local hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and schools.
Although, Kardi was paralyzed in 2015, she has never let that slow her down. With the help of her Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair Kardi has continued to enjoy every minute of her life, playing with her favorite toys, cruising around outside, and most recently Kardi was able to act as her mom’s flower girl in her wedding!
Odie the American Bulldog from Cardiff, Wales
Rescue dog Odie is a fighter. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer, in January 2020 and given 6 months to live. Odie has defied the odds and lived 20 months post diagnosis! “It’s an understatement to say that Odie’s Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair has given him his life back.” Odie’s mom says “He’s fought on through amputation, broken tendon and chemo. Even on days when he has not felt the best, he’s ready to go out for a walk. He’s a champion, his wheelchair has given his leg time to heal and rebuild strength. He’s so speedy that you can usually find us chasing him around the park.”
Meet Mily from Tampa, Florida
Mily was found as a stray on the streets when she was three weeks old, she was so small her rescuers never thought she’d make it. Although she’s tiny, Mily is a real wheelie warrior. 5 years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her surgery was successful and 75 stitches later her cancer was gone. Fast forward to today and Mily just turned 16! Mily’s wheelchair helps her to get around, but it never stops her sparkling personality from shining through.

Little Michael the Rescue Dog from Spain
A year ago, Little Michael showed up at his new family’s gate, injured and unable to walk on his own. Likely hit by a car and abandoned on the side of the road, Little Michael’s spine was broken leaving his back legs completely paralyzed. His new parents, Anita and Mick Harradence rushed him to the Veterinarian where Little Michael had extensive spinal surgery resulting in several screws being placed in his spine. A woman from Texas, graciously donated a new Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair to help aid Little Michael’s recovery and to help get him back on his feet. Little Michael’s parents said his new wheelchair changed everything!
Now, a year later, Little Michael is able to go for walks with the family’s other rescue dogs and loves running around the family garden! The Harradence family says that Little Michael has become a local celebrity, “we take him into our village in Spain and our local town where the Spanish stop and ask about him and what happened”, everyone who meets Little Michael is completely charmed by him!
Meet Fanny from Toronto, Canada
Fanny’s life changed forever in November 2020 when she became so frightened, she jumped out of a window. Fanny fell fifty feet and broke her back in four places. After surgery and a month-long recovery in the Vet office, Fanny finally came home with a new set of wheels. Her full support wheelchair has helped Fanny with her balance and kept her moving.
Fanny’s parents said that “Once the Canadian winter was in full force… skis replaced the wheels and she never looked back! Fanny is a thriving tripod who is still healing but gets better with each day!”
Ludwig from Ausburg, Germany
Today, Ludwig the pug loves nothing more than playing with his two pug brothers, running in the meadow, or searching for treats. His family believes that without his wheelchair his life would have been very different. Prior to his rescue three years ago, “Ludwig spent his days outside on a small balcony. Paralyzed by a herniated disc, he was left untreated until animal welfare saved him,” says his adopted mom, Anja Fischer. Anja says that Ludwig’s Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair, “has given him back his quality of life and allowed him to experience everything that a dog should enjoy.” She hopes that Ludwig’s joie de vivre brings smile to people’s faces and inspires them to adopt a special needs dog too!
Justice for All from Spring Hills, Florida
Justice may have had a rough start to her life, but her mom says she is living her best life ever as a double amputee certified therapy dog! She was found as a baby in the middle of the street by Ziggy’s Legacy Rescue in Brooksville, FL. Justice was in terrible condition and had suffered unimaginable abuse. Her legs were badly wounded, and infection had set in. Paralyzed from the waist back, her vertebrae were fused, and she was left incontinent. After receiving a year of care that included vet visits, physical therapy, laser therapy and chiropractic care the decision was made to amputate her back legs and tail. Justice is now on the mend, and able to move on her own again thanks to her Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair.
“Although she may have to do things differently, or work a little harder, Justice’s mom says she can do everything that a “normal” dog can do. We love teaching and demonstrating that special needs dogs (and people) are different, not less.”
Cyrus from Huntington Beach, California
When Cyrus lost the ability to use his hind legs due to neurological issues, his family was devastated when their Vet suggested they put him down. Not willing to give up, his family hit the internet and were so happy to discover the Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair. With his new wheels Cyrus is able to live happily without even realizing he has a disability! His parents believe that “His happy attitude and infectious smile is a constant reminder and lesson that no matter what hardships or limitations life may bring, there’s always a way and reason to smile. We are so happy that Walkin’ Pets exists to give special needs dogs like Cyrus a chance to live their best lives.”
Miles the 2022 Walkin' Pets Hero
Miles was surrendered to the Humane Society Charles County when he was only one year old. When he arrived, Miles had no function in his back legs and after extensive exams the rescue learned that he had obvious damage to his spine as well.
According to Brian, the biggest change for Miles came when he got his Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair. “His wheelchair has been a life changer for Miles in so many ways. It gives him the ability to go with us on all our adventures to breweries, wineries, restaurants, and parks. When we first adopted Miles, he had little to no use of his rear legs. With the daily walks in his Walkin’ Wheels, his rear legs have gained strength. Miles can now stand and walk 5-10 feet on his own. Miles doesn’t let his disabilities slow him down at all and I feel that transfers to us, we may feel like we can't do something, but then look at him overcoming so much with a never quit attitude, I know it gets me up and going wanting to be better.”
Brian and his wife Jamie had originally decided to take Miles in as a foster but knew instantly he was meant to be a part of their family forever! Together Miles and his Military Vet father raise funds and spread awareness for non-profit organizations including pet rescues and military veteran organizations across the country.
The 2022 Rescue of the Year: The Elephant Nature Park
The Elephant Nature Park dogs began in 2011 out of necessity. With Bangkok, Thailand devastated by flooding the staff of the ENP rented boats saving dogs that were trapped around the city. In total the ENP team saved 2,000 floods and opened their sanctuary to 155 of those dogs to live. Since then, they have continued to open the sanctuary dogs in need and the rescue is now home to over 400 dogs. Boon Chok, Gracie, Cherry, Wan Sook and Austin are just a few of the handicapped pets living at the Elephant Nature Park today.