Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Veterinarian Helps Paralyzed Dog that Will Be Up for Adoption
Daisy is a 3-year-old Yorkie who lived with a family and a Lab. Daisy suffered serious injuries when the Lab accidentally stepped on her back.
Mobility Loss
This adorable dog is now paralyzed in her rear legs. She was given up by her family, who felt they could no longer care for her. They brought her to Dr. Joann Fontaine at the Healthy Heart Vet Clinic in Loudon, N.H.
Lucky for Daisy, Dr. Fontaine has a big heart. She has been treating the sweet dog and getting her ready for adoption.
Walkin' Again
Joy Hammer works at the Healthy Heart Vet Clinic and has been fostering Daisy at her home in the evenings. Joy takes her to work at the clinic by day.
Daisy was outfitted with a Walkin' Wheels dog wheelchair, which she took to within a minute of being snapped in. Daisy has a lot of energy, which was put to immediate use in the dog cart!
Joy reports that Dr. Fontaine will be spaying Daisy soon. Joy will provide physical therapy for Daisy to see if some mobility can be restored to her hind legs. The Walkin' Wheels will allow Daisy to try out her rear legs as well. When Joy does not place them in the stirrups, Daisy can try move her legs.
Adoption, Anyone?
Walkin' Pets will be following this story and will provide updates. Daisy will be ready for adoption sometime soon.
With a face like that, it won't take long for someone to fall in love with her and give her a loving home.
In the meanwhile, Daisy was fortunate to be dropped off at the Healthy Heart Vet Clinic with such compassionate and generous pet care professionals!