Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Meet the 2024 Calendar Winners
Every year, Walkin' Pets hosts our annual calendar contest where we get introduced to hundreds of animals from around the world and we get to celebrate how incredible they are! Selected by popular vote, here are this year's winners and their stories!
Cover Dog: Pepe from Germany
Pepe was rescued from a terrible situation where he was left outside with very little love and care. Now, after 2.5 years in his forever home, Pepe is happy, active, and loved by his family!

Scoot from Hong Kong
Rescued in 2022, Scoot is a double amputee senior pup who needed to build trust with humans and his wheelchair. Scoot started out slowly with his Walkin’ Wheels, but over time (and plenty of treats!), it was only a matter of time before he walked around the whole park, and then he happily built up to doing a 4km coastal walk along Hong Kong’s stunning harbor front.

Oliver Paddington from Pennsylvania
Oliver the opossum, loves using his wheelchair, and with his wheels, was finally able to run! Olli's incredible life journey serves as a reminder that ALL species of animals deserve care for their disabilities and injuries! Olli wants to remind everyone who might find an injured wild animal not to try to care for it themselves but to find a local wildlife center or licensed rehabilitator who can offer professional assistance.

Rio from England
Rio is a crazy wheelie boy who, due to IVDD became paralyzed in August 2021. This doesn’t stop him from living his best life always! The most loveable, precious boy. He loves adventures, which means he has actually had the chance to meet 13 other wheelie dogs from around the UK!

Mily from Florida
Born in 2005, Mily was rescued from the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico. Miley’s family has cared for her through many health scares, including seizures, cancer, and, later in life, mobility loss. Mily was loving and loyal until her final days, and she will always be in her family’s hearts.

Frankie Blue Eyes from Ohio
Frankie came to F5RS Rabbit Rescue & Sanctuary in November 2022. He was found paralyzed and covered in matted leaves. Now, Frankie Blue Eyes is strong enough to pull himself around and use his brand-new bunny wheelchair! Frankie “writes” cards to kids with osteosarcoma to encourage them and wears his gold cape for cancer awareness.

Gracie from Canada
Amazing Gracie is a 1-year-old gorgeous tortie cat with severe cerebellar hypoplasia (CH or wobbly cat syndrome). While Gracie cannot walk or stand on her own, she lives a beautiful life. From day 1, Gracie was a fighter and with her wheelchair, the whole world opened up for her. Now, she can stand and take steps for the first time and build muscle.

Henri and Daphne from England
Henri is 8 years old and has had IVDD for three years. As soon as he was in his wheels, the old Henri was back! Daphne was born with Swimmer’s Syndrome, with physio, time, and her Mini wheelchair she took her first steps! Henri and Daphne James share a special bond and love each other so much!

Tank from New Jersey
Now 10 years old, Tank was diagnosed with IVDD four years ago and lost the ability to use his hind legs, but he never let that slow him down! The wheelchair gave him his freedom back. He loves his daily walks and enjoys ripping the squeakers out of every toy! He is a pretty big deal with really cool wheels!

Ladybug from Illinois
Ladybug is 16 years old, before she received her cart, maintaining balance while walking was a constant struggle, causing frequent falls. She yearned to walk and enjoy her life, but her neurological condition made it extremely challenging. The moment she's in her cart, she starts walking, bringing newfound happiness and mobility to her life.

Maxwell Pigsworth from Kansas
As a piglet, Maxwell suffered a spinal cord injury that was left untreated. At the time of rescue, Maxwell was unable to walk and had no access to food or clean water. Within a month of trying his wheels for the first time, he realized they provided speed, support, and freedom he'd never known before! Maxwell LOVES his wheels now and looks forward to getting in them every day.

Mokie from Germany
French Bulldog Mokie became paralyzed after a herniated disc in 2021. But she’s never let that get her down! Mokie is still the same funny clown, always on the go, and loves meeting new people and dogs! Her wheelchair gives her the chance to be a normal dog. When we go on vacation, she loves to run on the beach!

Saint from Tennessee
Saint is a friendly boy with Cerebellar Hypoplasia! Rescued by Stray Rescue in St. Louis and adopted when his post appeared on! He loves his Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair, stuffed animals, (mainly hedgehogs!), relaxing with his mom, and peanut butter!

The Unstoppable Dogs: 2024 Walkin' Pets Hero Recipient
Debbie and her Unstoppable Dogs are changing the world one day at a time by teaching compassion, kindness, and inclusion. Dream Fetchers and the Unstoppable Dogs are rescue pups given a new leash on life dedicated to the idea that through unconditional love, these incredible animals can connect with adults with similar challenges.

Broken Biscuits: 2024 Miracles in Motion Recipient
The Broken Biscuits organization works tirelessly to educate pet parents about the incredible quality of life that is possible for their pets with the help of a wheelchair. The Broken Biscuit Sanctuary is the full-time home to four wheelie pups that help to promote the options available to treat and rehabilitate injured animals and restore their mobility so that they can return to active lives.