Front No-Knuckling Training Sock

The Front No-Knuckling Training Sock is a temporary, 2-5 minute training and exercise tool intended for short term use as part of a rehab program. The training sock works on the pathway from the withdrawal reflex in the paw to the brain, helping pets pick up their feet when knuckling under or dragging their front paws due to nerve damage, injury, disease, or front leg weakness. Please consult your veterinarian or canine rehabilitation professional prior to purchase to ensure this is the right product to assist in your pet’s rehabilitation.

Product details
  • Training tool to stimulate a dog between the toes; evoking a withdrawal reflex and causing the foot to pick up higher and place correctly on the ground.
  • To be used for 2-5 minute intervals at a time and removed in between.
  • Designed to enhance proprioception, while also supporting above and below the joint.
  • Lightweight, comfortable, and adjustable, with convenient touch-fastener closures.


To determine the correct size Front No Knuckling Training Sock, you will need your pet’s Top of Paw to Carpal Joint measurement as the main point of reference; the recommended weight range is listed as a guide. For assistance with selecting a size, contact us with any questions.

Top of Paw to Carpal Joint

Measure from the top of the paw (at back) to the center of the carpal joint with your pet in a natural standing position. If your pet is unable to stand or bear weight on the paw, we recommend you consult your Veterinarian for advice on the best treatment tool for your pet.

Size Top of Paw to
Middle of Carpal Joint
XSmall 2 - 2.5″ 13 – 18 lbs.
Small 2.25 - 3″ 18 – 30 lbs.
Medium 2.5 - 3.25″ 30 – 60 lbs.
Large 3 - 4″ 60 – 80 lbs.
XLarge 3.75 - 4.5" 80+ lbs.



1.Spread open the No-Knuckling Training Sock (NKTS), then snugly wrap the NKTS around the front of Carpal joint on lower front leg. You will be centering the wrap on front of leg over the joint with label over the joint and cord fastener ideally positioned just below joint.

2. Keeping cord loop free and over straps, secure touch fastener straps, starting with the top strap. Then secure bottom strap last. The bottom strap may cover the nylon cord piece.

3. Place cord loop around and under middle two toes. Soft fleece should always be closest to dog’s paw, touch fastener side should face the ground to avoid irritation.

4. Pull slowly at top of cord to tighten. Then test your dog’s reaction. If there is no reaction, gradually tighten cord more and test again. If you’re having trouble pulling the cord taught, you may try loosening the bottom strap slightly. Once the cord is set appropriately, re-tighten the bottom strap.

For Best Outcome: Use this temporary training tool during walks for two to five-minute intervals on one lower front leg at a time, multiples times each day. Wearing during the beginning of each walk will have the best outcome. It is very important to remove the No-Knuckle Training cord after a maximum of 5 minutes. If left on for longer than 5 minutes, your pet may suffer discomfort or potential further injury.


  • Do not leave the NKTS on your pet for extended periods of time. It’s designed to be a short term supervised training tool. NKTS should be used for 2-5 minute at the beginning of a walk and then removed. Misuse or extended wear beyond manufacture recommendations may lead to injury of the paw.
  • Do not wrap the NKTS too tightly, as that may interfere with circulation or limit the mobility of the leg. If the toes are lifted off the ground or you see skin protruding over the straps, these are signs that the sock is too tight.
  • If you have questions about how or when to use the No-Knuckling Training Sock, check with your veterinarian or physical rehabilitation professional for guidance.

Designed and Used by Canine Rehab Professionals

It's perfect for in-clinic use or to enhance at-home training between rehab sessions. Easy to use at home and in rehab for 2-5 minute exercises. Always consult with your veterinarian or canine rehabilitation professional before using.

Encourage Pets to Pick Their Foot Up

Designed specifically to stimulate a pet between their toes, evoking a withdrawal reflex. This helps to properly retrain gait, correct paw placement, and enhance proprioception.

Light Weight and Comfortable Design

It is constructed with lightweight materials to limit extra weight on your pet’s front legs. The long touch fastener straps provide additional support above and below the carpal joint.


How should I expect my pet to walk with the Rear No-Knuckling Training Sock on?

The stimulation in your pet’s paw should cause them to pick it up higher when walking. They may have an exaggerated gait. This is to be expected since the cord sits under the paw to stimulate the pet's nerves and encourage their withdrawal reflex. 

What if my pet won’t walk with it on? 

You may need to use treats and encouragement as motivation to walk.  It’s a new concept for your pet to learn and may take time. If you have concerns about how the sock fits, please reach out to our Customer Care Team or contact your rehabilitation specialist. 

Will it be uncomfortable for my pet? 

The Rear No-Knuckling Training Sock is a training tool and not designed for long-term wear. If fitting well and used correctly for 2-5 minute sessions, it will not cause any irritation. To ensure your pet’s comfort, keep the fleece pad wrapped snugly around the cord with the softest part touching the paw. Touch fastener edges should always point away from the foot. 

What is the reason this product cannot be used on the rear leg? Is there a medical reason?

The Front No Knuckling Training Sock is designed to fit the anatomy of a dog's front leg. The rear leg needs a different size cord to stimulate the withdrawal reflex between the toes as it has a longer pathway to the brain. Please see Rear Leg NKTS for use on the rear leg.

Why would you suggest this item instead of or in place of another? What are the pros and cons of using this item along with or instead of the bootie splint? 

The training sock is lighter weight and will train your dog to lift their rear leg and paw higher, improving their knuckling. For dogs who drag their paws in between training sessions, the Bootie Splint can be worn to protect the paw. 

Will this help with the knuckling of a dog who has DM? 

This product may help to slow the progression of knuckling but will not reverse any existing damage. DM is a degenerative condition, so the neurological pathway is not able to be repaired. 

Why do you only use this product for 2-5 minutes at a time? What if you used it for longer, say 1/2 hour? Would it hurt the dog? 

This product is designed to be used as a training tool only. Always remove the device after 5 minutes to prevent injury and discomfort. While wearing the training sock your dog will be working harder than normal to walk, you do not want to cause overexertion or any skin irritation to the toes. This product is most beneficial to the pet by using it for short, frequent applications. Once the 5-minute training session is over, remove the sock and let your dog rest.

This is made for short-term use- what is short-term? Is it two weeks, or two months? 

Your vet or rehab specialist will help you to determine how many days your pet should train with the NKTS; whether it be a few weeks to a few months will depend on your pet’s specific needs. The most important thing to remember is that each day’s training sessions should only be for 2-5 minutes at a time. 

What if the dog is missing a toe? Can this item still be used? 

Yes! If your dog is missing one of the middle toes, you would just put the cord around the remaining toe. Putting the cord around the outer toes is not recommended. 

How do you know the fitting is correct? Should the nails/toes be 1/2″ off the ground or 1″? 

Your dog’s toes should not be lifted off the ground while wearing this product. If your dog is walking and the toes are not dragging, then the fit is correct. If your dog is still able to drag the toes when wearing the product, you will need to tighten the cord.

Will this work for a pet that does not have enough strength in their rear leg to pick up the foot? 

If your pet is unable to stand or bear any weight on the paw, we recommend you consult your veterinarian for advice on the best treatment tool for your pet. The NKTS is best for pets who still have function in the rear legs but are experiencing weakness and knuckling. You can also use this product in conjunction with the Buddy Up Rear Harness or Walkin’ Wheels Wheelchair. As long as a pet is able to move their leg on their own, this product will be useful.