Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Second Chance? This Abandoned Chinese Dog Got Two!
This abandoned dog in China was rescued by a college student who gave her a second chance - twice! She not only gave the dog a home, but a set of wheels to when the dog became lame.
Abandoned Chinese Dog Is Rescued
The story begins two years ago with a girl from Northern China, Nei Monggol province, who was going to college in Shanghai. One rainy day, she rescued the abandoned dog, sending the dog to her hometown to be cared for by her parents while she was at school.
The dog was well liked and quickly acclimated to its new home. One day when the girl was home, she took the dog to the park. When they returned home, the dog seemed to be walking a bit unusually. The next day, the dog was even more unsteady on its feet.
Efforts to Help the Dog Walk
They went to a dog hospital, where the veterinarian said the dog was suffering from food poisoning. By the third day, the dog could no longer walk.
They tried acupuncture and injection, but to no avail. The doctor said the dog needed surgery, because a bony spur was pushing on a nerve. However, the surgical procedure didn't work.
At that point, the doctor suggested buying a wheelchair for the dog. The girl’s parents did not agree to the wheelchair purchase. They were afraid that the girl and dog would be laughed at and suggested putting the dog down instead.
Dog Wheelchairs Uncommon in China
The girl struggled with this dilemma. She couldn’t understand how her parents could suggest that when they liked the dog so much. She began to question whether she was being selfish for wanting to get the wheelchair, and whether the dog would be happy using wheels.

In China, dog wheelchairs are few and far between, although the Chinese culture is beginning to evolve to embracing dogs more as family members. But change does not come fast.
That said, the girl decided she must give the dog wheelchair a try. When she saw the dog able to walk again with the Walkin’ Wheels, she burst out crying with happiness.
Dog Gets Its Life Back
The girl said she could read a lot of trust from the dog’s eyes. It wanted to “hang out” with her again. Before getting the dog wheelchair, the dog didn't want to go out anymore.
Now she can take her dog to see the world again!
Watch this video to see this lucky Chinese rescue dog using the Walkin’ Wheels for the first time!