Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

4 Best Reasons to Adopt a Handicapped Dog
What is the picture that strikes your mind first when you hear the phrase dog adoption? When it comes down to dog adoption, most of us think of ‘super’ cute puppies or able-bodied dogs that could make our dream companion.
Every year 1.6 million shelter dogs are adopted in the United States and a only tiny fraction of them are dogs with one or more handicaps.
A recent PetFinder poll found that specially-abled pets are the third hardest to place, falling behind only senior pets and bully breeds.
While looking after a dog with a handicap requires more time and a little extra care, by helping a specially-abled dog to find a new home, you give an abandoned animal the opportunity to live. You provide a loving and stable environment, whilst contributing to the reduction of animal cruelty and neglect.
One can come up with many excuses to keep themselves from adopting a dog with special needs. Still, there seem to be plenty of reasons that make the adoption of these dogs relevant and rewarding.
Here are 4 reasons that can make you give a chance to dogs with special needs.
1. The Real Reward
Adopting a special needs dog can be a profoundly rewarding experience and a great relief. You save the life of an animal that is at a higher risk of getting euthanized or living a life of hardship.
You will give yourself and your family that sweet feeling of completion. The feeling that you saved the life of an animal that needed it the most.
Spending more time with your new companion, you will soon realize that the minimal lack of physical abilities, makes up with a surprising surplus of personality, tenacity, and determination. They are still able to give you plenty of love and devotion. Because special needs dog rely heavily on their care givers, they often strongest feelings of loyalty. Handicapped dogs tend to appreciate more human affection after a traumatic experience.
Most importantly, special needs dogs are unaware of their condition and behave the same way the rest of the dogs do.
2. A Limitation Can Come with an Unexpected Super Skill

Pets that have faced life challenges usually come out stronger and more resilient. Mutilation, birth flaws, injuries, or chronic conditions make these pets develop stronger instincts than an average pet.
Real-life examples show us one-eyed dogs, that are particularly talented at playing fetch with an unexpectedly good coordination between the mouth and the eye. Of course, these dogs would bump into walls and would not be able to gauge distances but that doesn't hold them from excelling in something else.
Certain tripawd dogs have shown exceptional performance in running fast or jumping higher than an average pet.
Give a disabled pet a chance and rest assured that you will learn what truly makes them special.
3. You Will Relate More to People with Disabilities

When you are open to dedicating your life to a handicapped dog then you are prone to be more empathetic to people with disabilities. If you are able to appreciate the day to day challenges of a disabled dog then you will do the same for the people that face similar difficulties.
Sharing your life with a pet with special needs can be an eye-opening experience and makes you see the world through the lens of compassion and understanding of those around us.
You will be amazed by the energy for life as well as the extra effort people and pets with special needs have to make.
Adults or children who have a special need of their own, often seek out dogs with similar special needs. Finding a best friend who understands, supports and completes each other.
4. Pet Tech Has Unleashed Their Full Potential
Handicapped pets don’t lack in flair and perseverance. Yet, very often their defects make them fall short of their daily activities. In recent years pet technology has made advancements improving the lives of pets to a sizeable degree.
A whole new generation of prosthetics and pet wheelchairs have restored dog mobility and have become more compatible with their bodies in a natural way. This allowed dogs with defects to be active and play alongside their friends as if there was no handicap at all. Crippling injuries and loss of mobility are no longer the end of the road. These innovations have changed the lives of millions of handicapped pets for good.
Specially-abled dogs are full of life and the fact that life treated them in a different way doesn’t make them less able or less talented. Adopting a dog with psychical limitations does require more care and patience from you. But, if you love dogs and pets, awareness is key to appreciate the inherent difficulties. Embracing a vulnerable dog is a life impact and you will soon reap the rewards that come with living with it.
Willingness, love and a little more attention can make miracles. You will soon see yourself looking past things that you considered to be obstacles from adopting a handicapped dog.