Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Improving Quality of Life for Disabled Pets
The responsibility of owning a handicapped pet is a brave and challenging endeavor. Potty training, feeding times, and social introductions suddenly become the easy parts of the process. That being said, handicapped pets have the biggest hearts in the world. It’s worth every second, so prepare to start your adventure!
Mobility Challenged Pets
Nothing is more important than ensuring the comfort of your pet. And keeping them active and mobile is a big part of that. For disabled, paralyzed, or aging pets, a wheelchair gives them back their independence. Allowing them to play and enjoy time with their family.
Dog wheelchairs are designed to alleviate pressure off aching bones and joints. Just like with us, they need to be able to get around without pushing through the pain. A wheelchair will help give them more freedom to roam and help them to get the exercise they need.
Make Your Home Disabled Pet Friendly
You’ll have to change things up around the house to accommodate your pet's needs. Ramps and baby gates are a great place to start, especially if you’re trying to allow or limit access to certain areas.
Baby gates are perfect barriers for handicapped animals. Our pets understand where they should and shouldn’t go if an obstacle is blocking them from a specific area. Ramps are great for climbing into bed, on the couch, up the stairs, and more! Ensure you don’t leave any spaces on the sides where your pet could lose their balance and fall off. If your pet needs a wheelchair, all ramps must be wide enough to support the wheelchair.
Pets with Vision Loss
Pets experiencing sudden blindness can become disoriented and struggle to adapt. For pets who are starting to experience vision loss, keep your house well-lit. Extra light can help pets see shapes and shadows more clearly and are necessary to help pets who can’t see very well navigate the house safely.
As your pet’s vision worsens or becomes fully blind, a blind dog halo can help them avoid obstacles and move around confidently.
Pets with Hearing Loss
To keep a hearing-impaired pet safe takes a human-dog solid connection. Keeping them safe inside is simple, but the real challenge is keeping them safe outside. Since your pet can’t hear traffic or danger, keep your dog on a leash unless your yard is fenced in. At night, bring a flashlight outside with you and use the flashlight to alert your dog.
Proper Medications
Certain pain relievers and inflammation reducers are highly recommended to prevent any discomfort your pet may have. Since they can’t tell you that they’re in pain, it’s always a good idea to set up an appointment with your veterinarian to see what they prescribe, if anything.
In some cases, proper medication can restore functionality almost fully. Unknown causes of pain heavily hinder our pets. Relieving those issues helps them tremendously.
Keep Your Pet Entertained
Although handicapped animal doesn’t have the same range of motion, energy, or mobility, they’re still fully packed with excitement to play and love. Keeping them entertained with various toys and activities helps prevent depression and other issues.
Try playing tug of war, setting up a play house, or popping on those double-sided shoes and hitting the park. Depending on the situation, they might be fully capable of playing games.
All in all, you want to ensure your pet has the best life possible while still being aware of its capabilities and limits. They might have a predisposition from birth, an accident, or age alone. Regardless of the determining factor, it’s up to you to create a world filled with love, excitement, and happiness! Look for ways to help your pet survive, thrive, and enjoy life.