Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Secure Your Handicapped Pet's Future
It’s no secret that a handicapped animal has special medical requirements that owners must assume the responsibility for, often making care for these pets specific and time-consuming. Although these disabilities don’t stop us from loving our furry friends just as much, owners of handicapped animals should take measures to ensure that their pet’s future is secure under any circumstance. Particular preventative steps can be taken to give you peace of mind in knowing that they will have proper care no matter what.
Set a Financial Plan in Place
Budgeting for an animal can be an expensive cost, ranging from the spending on food, medical care, equipment, training, and much more. In fact, a pet care cost guide by the ASPCA has found that the annual cost of a pet can be upwards of $2,000 depending on the animal and size. For handicapped pets with further special medical attention required, this number goes up. It is important to budget in advance for your disabled pet’s needs, since they may be more prone to unexpected changes in their health. Setting aside emergency funds for these situations will protect your pet as well as continue to give you financial stability should unforeseen costs arise.
Planning for Your Pet's Future
On the other side of things, consider how your handicapped pet will be provided for in the circumstance that you are no longer around to support their needs. Luckily, owners have the opportunity to leave money behind for their pet in the case of their death, so it is important to review your plan to ensure you’re able to provide for your furry friend’s future.

One way to do this is to list your pet as a beneficiary on an approved life insurance policy through a trust specifically designated for your animal. This means that after you pass away, your pet will have access to the proceeds of your life insurance plan through the help of an approved caregiver that you have also listed on the policy. This is vital for handicapped pets who often have costly medical care, expensive dietary needs, or their illness requires extensive monitoring.
Leaving behind a legacy through your life insurance would guarantee your pet would continue to get the special care they require. And recieve the same level of care that you would give them. The trust under your pet’s name would also legally verify that the funds are being used correctly and that the caregiver is meeting their obligations—providing you with peace of mind knowing they will be looked after even when you are gone.
Invest in Quality Mobility Aides

Being a parent to a handicapped pet presents many challenges, and mobility is often the largest area of concern for many owners. Depending on your animal’s personal needs, they may require additional support to help them function on a daily basis and help them live their lives to the fullest. Consulting with a licensed veterinarian can help you dictate exactly which mobility products will suit you and your pet’s lifestyle.
For example, investing in a reliable wheelchair for a dog with walking troubles will allow your beloved pet the freedom to walk on their own. Helping them live a higher quality of life down the road. By reducing pressure on pained joints and ensuring correct walking form. By selecting the proper mobility aide, you prevent your pet from further damaging their bodies and can help ease any pain. Considering issues like hip dysplasia or arthritis, owners can proactively combat their pet’s aches. And also give them a new lease on life by promoting their health.
Establish Emergency Care
As previously mentioned, it is critical for owners to have emergency money set aside in case of sudden events. The same principle of staying prepared applies for back-up care for your pet in the event of unanticipated situations, especially when your animal is handicapped and will more require special attention than a typical pet might.
Spend time researching local daycare facilities and boarding companies that can cater to your animal’s specific requirements. Along with caring for your pet's special needs, they need to be sensitive and patient. Keep them informed. Provide the caretakers with an extensive medical history, dietary specifications, back-up medication. As well as up to date veterinary and contact information, and more for your dog’s boarding stay. Assuring that your furry friend will rest easy if they have to spend some time or nights away from you. For more medically needy pets, don’t forget that many veterinarian practices offer boarding services, allowing for 24/7 medical attention.
Caring for a handicapped pet can present many challenges, but at the end of the day, your pet’s happiness and health are most important. Owners to disabled animals can take action in securing a safe future for their pets by implementing a few of these recommendations to provide a responsible plan while supporting their overall well-being.