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Special Needs Pet-Friendly Flooring: 5 Alternatives to Carpet Repair
Caring for pets with special needs is no easy feat. You'll have to make several adjustments not just in your routine and lifestyle, but also at home. As the pet will most likely roam around, especially when you’re not around, you have to make sure they’ll be in a pet-friendly environment that won’t compromise their health, safety, and wellness.
Carpet For Your Special Needs Pet

Aside from paying extra attention to your little buddy’s diet, medications, and grooming needs, your house will need special modifications to accommodate your pet’s special needs. Among the specifications you need to take care of are the surfaces of the house, particularly the flooring and carpeting. As your pet plays around, they need to be safeguarded to prevent any injury or accident to befall them.
Pets at the beginning stages of mobility loss will struggle to climb the stairs and need help maintaining traction across a slippery floor. The right carpet or mat can make it easier for your senior dog to get around your move.
To ensure the safety of your pets with special needs, check out some carpet flooring tips below:
1. Research Before You Buy
Before you go and buy the first carpet you see on the market, take the time to research them first. What do consumers say about the carpet? Is there a particular brand that pet owners prefer? Which type of carpet is easy to clean and maintain especially if there are pets in the house? These are just some of the things you need to find out before buying or ordering carpets for your home.
If you need more tips on how to choose the right carpet according to your needs, check websites like Carpet Nurse. There are also brand reviews available online so you can get a better grasp of how carpet brands perform, especially for households that have family members with special needs.
2. It Has To Be Comfortable

One of the reasons why you want carpet flooring for your house is because you wish to make your pet as comfortable as possible. May it be the living room, dining area, bedrooms, or any part of the house, your beloved pet needs all the comfort they can get, which is why hard surfaces are definitely a big no-no for them. Old pets, in particular, can get quite sensitive and always sleepy any time of the day. You'd want them to be cozy when resting or lying around the house.
Carpet flooring also makes a soft and trip-proof landing for jumping pets, such as dogs and cats. Even if they have mobility or sight issues, you won’t worry about them tripping or falling on hard surfaces. Your comfortable and furry carpet will take care of their landing and movements around the house.
3. Consider The Traction
Aside from comfort, the traction of the carpet flooring will also determine the safety of your pet that has special needs. Make sure you choose carpet flooring materials that aren’t slippery or smooth because that could potentially cause injuries not just to your pets, but also to kids in the house.
Your pets need to have a good, firm grip on surfaces, especially for felines with sharp claws. If you have the budget, you can also include the stairs when installing the carpet. Doing so ensures that your pets will be safe when going up and down the stairs.
4. Choose A Carpet That’s Easy To Clean And Maintain
Having a pet with special needs could also mean seeing occasional pee, poop, or even vomit on your carpet flooring. That's understandable especially in ill pets that are no longer able to control their bladder.
In this regard, it’s essential that your carpet is easy to clean and maintain. As much as possible, stain-proof carpet flooring is ideal for homes that have special needs pets. That way, it won’t be too much of a burden or workload to clean the carpet when needed.
5. Go For A Hypoallergenic Option
Pets with special needs could also be allergic or sensitive to a lot of things, including certain carpet flooring materials such as wool or polyester. Even if your pet doesn’t have any allergies presently, you might want to consider the possibility of them getting one throughout their lives.
That's why it’s recommended to choose carpet flooring that’s hypoallergenic. This will ensure that your pet will be prevented from scratching or itching endlessly, which may cause your pets to be restless and sleepless most of the time. For a hypoallergenic option, nylon carpets are one of the most popular types.
Final Words
The right carpet flooring can greatly help in making sure that your pets with special needs are comfortable and safe all the time, even when you’re not around to watch over them. So, if you’re thinking of adopting new companions with special needs or if you’re remodeling your home, consider these carpet flooring tips so you can make a more informed and useful choice.