Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Teenager Refuses to Give Up On Her Injured Duck
The connection between sixteen-year-old Olivia Morello and her pet duck is undeniable. The young animal lover has dedicated herself to loving and caring for her pets. And when one of her pet ducks required a little extra care, she was willing to do whatever she could to help her feathered friend.
Adopting Ducklings
About a year ago, Olivia saw an ad with ducklings for sale. Olivia fell instantly in love with three Saxony ducks, deciding to adopt two females and a male. Olivia was fully responsible for caring for her three duckling, raising them by hand and making sure they stayed safe and healthy. Quickly becoming a part of the family, the siblings bonded with the nine other ducks in their new flock. One very special duck waddled her way into Olivia’s heart.
Meet Saxony Duck Elizabeth
Elizabeth loves to splash and play in puddles. Just mention the word puddle and she shakes her tail and fluffs her feathers with joy. So, in February it wasn't a surprise when Olivia found her sitting in a puddle one day. But this time was different, this time she didn’t come running over to greet Olivia. Scooping her up out of the water, Olivia realized that Elizabeth was injured and unable to move on her own.
Hopeful that Elizabeth would quickly heal, Olivia took Elizabeth to the Veterinarian. Olivia’s heart was broken when her Vet told her that he didn't believe Elizabeth would get better. She had suffered severe tendon damage and he believed that Elizabeth was in for a lifetime of pain. She was also at risk for losing both her legs and it was kinder to put her down. Devastated, by the news Olivia took her pet home and hoped for signs of improvement.
Caring for an Injured Duck
It didn’t make sense. At home Elizabeth seemed happy and calm. There were no signs of pain or any stress at all. Although immobilized, Elizabeth was the same happy duck she always was. Her siblings accepted her and seemed to understand her limitations. They take turns visiting her, sitting with her and keeping her company. The only real change is that Elizabeth's an inside duck now. Moving her inside allows Olivia to keep a closer eye on her and make sure she has everything she needs. Seeing that Elizabeth’s spirit remained the same, Olivia was determined to do whatever she could for her pet. Elizabeth deserves to stay alive. Even though Olivia is responsible for paying all of Elizabeth’s medical bills, Olivia decided to visit as many Vets as she could regardless of the cost until someone had a solution.
Injured Pet Ducks on the Move
While searching for a way to help Elizabeth, Olivia came across a video online of Merlin the duck in his brand new Walkin’ Wheels Duck wheelchair. She was shocked, this is just what Elizabeth needed. She had no idea that a wheelchair existed for ducks, and she was even more surprised to find out that Walkin’ Pets was located less than a half hour from her house!
Since her injury, Elizabeth’s legs have become swollen and have been permanently tucked into her body. Within the first five minutes in her new wheelchair, all that began to change. Elizabeth’s legs began to unlock and slowly lower to the floor. With the support of her wheelchair, Elizabeth was able to stand up for the first time in over a month! Olivia knows there's a lot of work ahead to get Elizabeth walking again but she's up for the challenge! With the guidance of her new Vet (and bird specialist), Elizabeth’s new wheelchair will now become a regular part of her rehabilitation program. Olivia believes that now, Elizabeth has the chance to live her best life and she will walk again.
Olivia's Calling - Spurred by Injured Pet Duck
According to her mom, Olivia isn't done yet!
Olivia is going to have a rescue for special needs animals someday. I think its her calling. Olivia has a heart for saving animals in need, something tells me we'll be in touch with more animals soon!