Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Trevor Donovan Spreads DM Awareness
Trevor Donovan is known onscreen for his role on the TV show 90210. But, off camera, he is known as a compassionate animal lover who would do anything for his three dogs. Trevor's life was forever changed when his beloved German Shepherd Dogbert was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy.
Pawing it Forward
Together Trevor and Dogbert worked to spread the word on the effects of DM and the importance of canine mobility. Lending Trevor’s star power to the cause, sharing their experience with DM with over 30 million people every month on Social Media, and sharing Dogbert’s journey and disease progression from beginning to end with their fans.
After Dogbert’s passing, Trevor wanted to ensure that his memory lived on. He was sharing Dogbert’s story with TMZ Live in the hopes of helping others and bringing continued awareness to DM. After receiving an outpouring of support, Trevor was contacted by Thor, a very special German Shepherd.
Police K9 Diagnosed with IVDD
Thor, an 8-year-old German Shepherd, served as a narcotics detection dog for the Philadelphia Police Department. He served loyally alongside his partner for 5 ½ years on the force. Thor loved his job. Thor began dragging his hind legs and scrapping his paws on an early morning walk last fall. Concerned, his owners brought Thor to the vet. He was diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease or IVDD, a debilitating condition that causes severe pain and mobility loss. It quickly became apparent that Thor would have to retire from the Police force, although he still wanted to work.
Retired Police Dog Gets Second Chance
Adopted by the Outlaw Family, Thor was able to stay a vital part of their family. Although Thor sacrificed his body for the police department for all those years, as a retired Police Dog, Thor no longer qualified for financial assistance. Now responsible for all of Thor's medical bills, his family worried about how they were going to get him the care he needed. Their hearts break every time Thor falls over and struggles to get back up. He was forced to keep Thor isolated in a small room to keep him safe. The Outlaws want to get Thor back on his feet and back to the active dog, he was.
Thor Gets His New Walkin' Wheels
Dogbert may have crossed the rainbow bridge, but he continues impacting lives. Of the hundreds of emails he received, Trevor selected Thor as the recipient of a new Walkin' Wheels wheelchair. With the help of his new wheels, he is back on his feet for the first time in months, and most importantly, he can be a part of the family again. Thor is getting around easily and is back to his old self. And most importantly, Thor is a part of the family again! His family is thrilled to see him running and playing again.
Follow Trevor & Dogbert @theCitizenK9
Follow Thor @k9stormandthor