Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Nothing Can Stop This Fast-Growing Pup!
Stihl, a young pup of 5 months and growing fast, loves to play hard. He sprained his wrist and had been limping around for a week and a half. I knew we needed to do something more for the carpal joint when wrapping it in an ace bandage did not help.
Carpal Splint
I found the splint he needed through Handicapped Pets. This was a great idea because it gives the support he needs at the Carpal joint. Stihl has adjusted well wearing the splint. We checked with our vet who took X-rays. No broken bones were found, just a weak carpel joint due to his growing so fast. Handicapped Pets was there for me when the Carpal Splint size I ordered was too small. They helped me with the return and re-order of the product. A big “Thank You” to Handicapped Pets! You are a great company! ~ Chasity