Sit Down Dog Wheelchairs

Rescued Husky Puppy is On a Roll
The Peace and Paws rescue began with Melissa and Bo Hannon looking for the perfect dog to join their family. When they learned that the rescues in the South were overwhelmed with animals their hearts went out to all the dogs in need of a loving home. They began the Peace and Paws rescue with the mission to match the world’s best dogs with the world’s best people. So far, they have successfully rescued and found forever homes for over 3,000 dogs.
Meet Munchie
Born the runt of his litter and weighing only 9 pounds, Munchie was already off to a rough start. As an added challenge, he was born with a front leg deformity that made it difficult to get around. Able to get around by hopping and scooting, Munchie has impressed everyone with his spirit and sense of adventure. Munchie, and his siblings were a part of Peace and Paws most recent rescue mission.
Munchie Gets his Wheels
Concerned that his disability might make people shy away from adopting him, Melissa at Peace and Paws wanted to make sure that Munchie was given every opportunity to live his best life. His first stop after arriving at the rescue, was to visit Walkin’ Pets for his very first quad wheelchair fitting. Being a determined little puppy, Munchie took to his new wheels quickly. Now with the help of his new Full Support Walkin’ Wheels wheelchair, absolutely nothing will stop him.
Melissa sees a bright future ahead for Munchie,
“I think he will be a great candidate for therapy kids and the like and am thinking about doing that with him. We'll see once we know his temperament but he's a trooper.”
A Forever Home
It didn’t take long but, it looks like Munchie has found his forever home! Falling in love immediately, Munchie‘s new foster mom has decided that Munchie's home is with her. Munchie and his new Mom are still adjusting to their new life on wheels, but together they are going to make an amazing team.
Watch Munchie try out his Quad Walkin' Wheels Wheelchair for the very first time in the video below:
Visit the Peace and Paws Rescue website to learn more about their work.